Here You Are Приложения

东京交通简体版(成田机场、羽田机场、箱根、横滨,关东,日本) 1.4
Here You Are
这是一款针对东京複杂的交通,做出简单明瞭的说明,让想要去东京自助旅行的游客,能对东京的交通有初步的认识(例如:如何从成田机场、羽田机场前往东京市区,或如何前往箱根、横滨、台场旅游,并提供花费时间、票价可参考等资讯),并瞭解有哪些适用的交通优惠券可搭配使用,提供相关资讯给正在安排自助行程的使用者,对东京的交通方式可以更轻鬆的上手!在旅游时也能即时查阅相关资讯(因为包含许多地图档,导致程式所佔记忆体较大,还请多多包涵!)另外,使用者在观看地图时会出现放大缩小的按钮来调整大小,也可以直接用手指在萤幕上缩放地图的比例!地图与介绍等资讯可以离线流览,但是天气与汇率因为要获取即时资料,所以需要连接网路才能查询,希望大家在有网路时能帮忙多浏览下方的广告,提供我们动力来推出更多的离线地图旅游App!欢迎下载我们的旅游App: 京坂神奈交通(京都、大坂、神户、奈良,关西,日本) 东京交通(成田机场、羽田机场、箱根、横滨,关东,日本)九州交通(福冈、长崎、熊本、鹿儿岛、大分、宫崎、佐贺,日本) 首尔交通(Seoul,韩国)釜山/庆州/济州交通(Busan,Jeju,韩国) 雪梨交通(Sydney,悉尼,澳洲) 香港交通(Hong Kong)澳门交通(Macau) 也欢迎参观我们的部落格 有许多相关地区的自助旅行游记喔!
澳門交通(Macau) 1.25
Here You Are
這是一款方便想前往澳門自助旅行的遊客,能對澳門的交通有初步的認識,提供正在安排自助行程的使用者參考,對澳門的交通方式可以更輕鬆的上手!在旅遊時也能即時查閱相關資訊、離線使用地圖(因為包含許多地圖檔,導致程式所佔記憶體較大,還請多多包涵!)另外,使用者在觀看地圖時會出現放大縮小的按鈕來調整大小,也可以直接用手指在螢幕上縮放地圖的比例!地圖與介紹等資訊可以離線流覽,但是天氣、匯率和澳門交通資訊的相關網站,因為要獲取即時資料,所以需要連接網路才能查詢,有提供可查詢景點交通的網站,希望大家在有網路時能幫忙多瀏覽下方的廣告,提供我們動力來推出更多的離線地圖旅遊App!歡迎下載我們的旅遊App: 京阪神奈交通(京都、大阪、神戶、奈良,關西,日本) 東京交通(成田機場、羽田機場、箱根、橫濱,關東,日本)九州交通(福岡、長崎、熊本、鹿兒島、大分、宮崎、佐賀,日本) 首爾交通(Seoul,韓國)釜山/慶州/濟州交通(Busan,Jeju,韓國) 雪梨交通(Sydney,悉尼,澳洲) 香港交通(Hong Kong)澳門交通(Macau) 也歡迎參觀我們的部落格 有許多相關地區的自助旅行遊記喔!
雪梨交通(Sydney,悉尼,澳洲) 1.10
Here You Are
這是一款方便想前往 澳洲 (Australia) 的雪梨 (Sydney)自助旅行的遊客,能對雪梨的交通方式(火車、公車、渡輪)有初步的認識,並瞭解有哪些適用的交通優惠券可搭配使用,還有各地有名景點的交通介紹,協助正在安排自助行程的使用者,對雪梨的交通方式能更輕鬆上手!(因為包含許多地圖檔,導致程式所佔記憶體較大,還請多多包涵!)另外,使用者在觀看地圖時會出現放大縮小的按鈕來調整大小,也可以直接用手指在螢幕上縮放地圖的比例,讓地圖放大瀏覽!在旅遊時也能即時離線流覽查閱相關資訊(地圖、交通、景點、交通票券等介紹)等資訊,但是天氣與匯率因為要獲取即時資料,還有參考資料的網站連結,所以需要連接網路才能查詢!希望大家在有網路使用時能幫忙多瀏覽下方的廣告,提供我們動力來推出更多的離線地圖旅遊App,謝謝! 歡迎下載我們的旅遊App:京阪神奈交通(京都、大阪、神戶、奈良,關西,日本) 東京交通(成田機場、羽田機場、箱根、橫濱,關東,日本)九州交通(福岡、長崎、熊本、鹿兒島、大分、宮崎、佐賀,日本) 首爾交通(Seoul,韓國)釜山/慶州/濟州交通(Busan,Jeju,韓國) 雪梨交通(Sydney,悉尼,澳洲) 香港交通(Hong Kong)澳門交通(Macau) 也歡迎參觀我們的部落格 有許多相關地區的自助旅行遊記喔!
香港交通 简体版(Hong Kong) 1.5
Here You Are
Andy & Zoe Wedding Photo 1.15
Here You Are
Andy and Zoe wedding photo, everybody are welcome to download :)Butplease do not modify and reuse our photos, thank you!
京阪神奈交通 简体版(京都,大阪,神户,奈良,关西,日本) 1.5
Here You Are
这是一款方便想前往日本的京都、大阪、神户、奈良自助旅行的游客,能对京阪神奈彼此间的交通有初步的认识(例如搭乘站名、转乘站名、花费时间、票价等等资讯),并了解有哪些适用的交通优惠券可搭配使用,提供参考给正在安排自助行程的使用者,对关西的交通方式可以更轻松的上手!在旅游时也能即时查阅相关资讯(因为包含许多地图档,导致程式所占记忆体较大,还请多多包涵!)另外,使用者在观看地图时会出现放大缩小的按钮来调整大小,也可以直接用手指在萤幕上缩放地图的比例!地图与介绍等资讯可以离线流览,但是天气与汇率因为要获取即时资料,所以需要连接网路才能查询,希望大家在有网路时能帮忙多浏览下方的广告,提供我们动力来推出更多的离线地图旅游App!欢迎下载我们的旅游应用程序: 京阪神奈交通(京都,大阪,神户,奈良,关西,日本)东京交通(成田机场,羽田机场,箱根,横滨,关东,日本) 九州交通(福冈,长崎,熊本,鹿儿岛,大分,宫崎,佐贺,日本)首尔交通(Seoul,韩国) 釜山/庆州/济州交通(Busan,Jeju,韩国) 雪梨交通(Sydney,悉尼,澳洲)香港交通(Hong Kong) 也欢迎参观我们的部落格andy-zoe.blogspot.com有许多相关地区的自助旅行游记喔!
Math Test 4 1.5
Here You Are
Test your math and reaction. For example, findthe answer of a formula. Or give your a number, find out whichnumbers add up to equal the number. Each topic there are alwayshave four answers to choose (may be more than one answer). You canchoose three game modes and five degree of difficulty. And in orderto increase the degree of difficulty and training thinking, you canuse gravity control to enter the answer.
Quick Start 1.9
Here You Are
Quick Start can help you to search and launch application easilyand quickly! Just type part of application name, it will showmatched applications, and you can click it to launch. Quick Startalso support voice recognition search. You can even set voicesearch auto launch on the setting menu, it will launch the matchedapplication automatically, if there is only one application matchedthe search name. Moreover, you can also click and launchapplication directly via three kinds of application lists (HistoryLaunch list / Favorite application list / All application list)When you launch applications through Quick Start, it will rememberyour favorite and history launch automatically. Application listscontains icon / name and launch count of each application. Longclick on the application list can delete it. Press menu button canshow settings of Quick Start, you can clear history record andfavorite record as you wish. And set show confirm dialog beforelaunch application. p.s. Internet is needed to do voicerecognition! Some devices may need to install Google Voice Searchor other relative voice search application to enable voice search.To start up Quick Start faster, it will create a directory named"QuickStart" on your memory card to store all application icons.Therefore the very first launch of Quick Start may take longer!(depending on the application number) To save Quick Start loadtime, it use passive refresh method, you may need to click thetop-right refresh icon if you want to refreah all application dataafter you install or remove application.
Keep Joke 1.0
Here You Are
Keep Joke is a joke browsing andsharingplatform,You can browse and share a joke quickly without sign in!You can comment or like on any joke, and copy the URL link tosharewith others.When sharing a joke, you can set this joke can only be browsingbythe people whos age is over 18 (in the settings page todeterminethe age, need to make sure at least 18 years old to browse18 jokesban)You can also set the language options, browse English orChinesejoke, and set the text size.p.s. Internet connection is needed to view jokes.
Let's Shoot! 1.2
Here You Are
There are many aliens Appear on thescreen,their common goal is to steal the pigs on earth to dosomeresearch, please help shooting aliens and protect pigs frombeingstolen!You can click to select three weapons, such as: parabolic shooting/normal shooting / gravity control shooting (tilting the phonearoundto control the trajectory). Each weapon has a limit numberofbullet. But do not worry, you can click on the iconsuddenlyappeared on the screen to add bullet number. Or you canalso summonlightning to knock down all the aliens by clickinglightningicon!
Dollar Camera 1.20
Here You Are
Dollar Camera make your (or your friend's) head synthesis with thepaper money. You can choose US Dollar / NT Dollar / Japanese Yen /RenMinBi Yuan / South Korean Won as the template, then take aphoto, you get the synthesized photo instantly. Dollar Camera willmake the synthesized image with most suitable color and textureautomatically! You can also add text you specified on the papermoney. You can also switch to front camera to challenge theself-production of banknotes photo! Or open a file for synthesis.(Dollar Camera will detect the face automatically, but it needssome time to process face detection) After you took a picture, youcan browse the images you shot and share them with your frienddirectly. (eg: Facebook, Google+, e-mail, LINE, etc.), you can alsobrowse the photo you make through the built-in browser. Let's tryto make your head on the paper money and send to your friends! p.s.Although you change the head of paper money, to avoid breaking thelaw, all paper money images are adding specimen words and serialnumber is removed. Please do not use it as illegal purpose!
Pump Up Balloons (Shake) 1.16
Here You Are
To Pump Up Balloons by shaking your phone or touching the screenquickly. The more balloons exploded the better! You can take gameto see who is swinging or click faster! (You can select the playingtime of 30 seconds / 3 minutes or 10 minutes)
Simple Unit Currency Converter 1.12
Here You Are
This is a simple Currency/Unit/Number converter tool, please inputthe ratio first (You can also query and select the unit convertratio), then input the right or left number. This program willcalculate the answer immediately! (This program provide +-*/function. Accurate to 3 decimal place, and it will restore thenumber you last wrote for easy to use at next time)
To Buy List 1.10
Here You Are
To Buy List is a shopping item list tools for you to easier managewhat you want buy. As long as the count and unit price of eachshopping item are entered, it will automatically calculate theAverage Price / Total Count / Total Price.You can also uncheck itemyou didn't buy, it will also effect the total price and tell youthe percentage you finished of this list. You can also know theamount you need to pay before checkout. To Buy List will save yourdata automatically, and there are four lists for you to use. Userinterface is easy to understand, let's experience it!
Big Head Camera 1.2
Here You Are
Big Head Camera can automatically enlargetheheads you are shooting! It is funny to have a big head. Youcanmodify the size of head / or choose head shape (round or oval),ordirectly select a photo to edit and enlarge the heads inthisphoto.You can also set camera relative function in setting page, suchasflash turn on/off, self timer, special effect,cameraresolution...After you finish your shot, you can save it, or share it toyourfriends directly by press share icon. You can also browsethephotos you took using the its photo browser.
Color Camera 1.3
Here You Are
Color Camera can help you to figure out the color name or colorcode you touch on screen. You can change the color and size of datestring, or change the date / time format. Moreover, you can add anote on date string, and you can change color of note. You can type@name in note string to display color name. Type @code to displaycolor code. And type @hexcode to display color code in hex mode.You can drag to move the position of Date / Time / Note! If youdrag them out of screen, you can reinstall this app to restore todefault position. You can also set camera relative function insetting page, such as flash turn on/off, self timer, specialeffect, camera resolution... After you finish your shot, you cansave it, or share it to your friends directly by press share icon.You can also browse the pictures you took using the its Picturebrowser. P.S. You can also hide date or time information by settingits format to invisible. (Top item of format choice) And type inthe time or date you want to display by clicking Note icon. Clickscreen, the camera will auto focus.
Secret Silent Camera 1.8
Here You Are
Secret Silent Camera can record photo / video/ audio with date / time / location note Secretly &Silently.You can press volume up key to turn on / off the screen. (Make yourrecord Secretly) Or click Black Screen icon to turn off thescreen.And shoot photo by press volume down key without any sound. (Makeyour shoot Silently) Or click Shoot icon to shoot photo withoutsound.In Black Screen mode, you can shoot photo by press volume down keyor touch any place of your screen to shoot.You can choose record mode, such record video/audio, or recordvideo only, or record audio only. By click the icon to change. (Youcan shoot photo during video/audio recording)You can change the color and size of date string, or change thedate / time format. Moreover, you can add a note on date string,and you can change color of note.You can type @where in note string to display locate name. Type@city to display city name. And type @loc to display latitude andlongitude. (Need to turn on Internet or GPS to get locationinformation)You can drag to move the position of Date / Time / Note! If youdrag them out of screen, you can reinstall this app to restore todefault position. You can also hide or show note by click Hide Note/ Show Note icon.You can also set camera relative function in setting page, such asflash turn on/off, self timer, special effect, cameraresolution...After you finish your shot, you can save it, or share it to yourfriends directly by press share icon. You can also browse thepictures & videos you took using the its Picture & Videobrowser.P.S. You can also hide date or time information by setting itsformat to invisible. (Top item of format choice) And type in thetime or date you want to display by clicking Note icon.Click screen, the camera will auto focus.If you want to turn on shoot vibrate or sound notification, just goto setting page, you can set the relative feature.Please turn off the screen using volume up key instead of powerkey. (Cause you can't shoot after you turn off screen using powerkey)If you feel the operation is slow, please turn the network of yourdevice to speed up, thank you.Most of all, please do not use Secret Silent Camera for illegaluse!
Bounce Ball (AR Basketball) 1.5
Here You Are
You can bounce a virtual basketball through the camera via BounceBall (AR Basketball), and play a basketball game. This program willdetect your hand movement to bounce the basketball on the screen(you can also use foot or something else instead of your hand). Tobounce the basketball into the basket in limited time in stagemode, or play free mode. Please bounce the edge of the ball tocontrol its direction just like playing real basketball game, andminimize the shaking of the phone during play, and also choose alight sufficient place to achieve the best game experience! If youthink this program well worth continuing development, please helpto click the advertisement. If you have any comments please let meknow, thank you!
Move Detection (Theft Proof) 1.6
Here You Are
Move Detection can detect your phone or tablet PC is moved ortouched, and play alarm sound and vibration to warn, to preventothers from stealing your device. You can also put your phone ortablet PC into your bag, and turn on the Move Detection to detectthe bag is moved or taken away (Even so, you still need to becareful). You need to set up a four-digit password to dismiss alarmand detection. You can set how many seconds to start detection andalarm after detected. You can also set the detection sensitivity.This program will automatically turn off the lights of device, anddo not press the power button to turn off the screen light,otherwise it will not be able to detect!
My Photo Puzzle (Rotatable) 1.8
Here You Are
Select a picture from your gallery or take a picture to play puzzlegame. You can click and slide the puzzle to play. This gamecontains three difficulty. You can enable the puzzle rotationfunction, to increase the difficulty and more fun. After finish thegame, you can play a new game with next image if press next icon,don't have to re-select image. And you can view the original imageat any time, or enable to show the puzzle edge. (Please try toenable puzzle rotation function after you get familiar this game!)
繁體 簡體 轉換 TS Translate 1.4
Here You Are
使用 "繁體 簡體 轉換 TS Translate" 您可以用說的或按鍵輸入或直接貼上文字來即時做繁體字/簡體字轉換!直接用按鍵輸入一串字,系統會即時做繁體字/簡體字轉換。也可以按語音輸入按鈕,直接用講的方式輸入!輸入完畢後可以按刪除刪掉之前的句子,也可以按紐將鍵盤收起。 您可以選擇繁體字/簡體字互換,或是只轉成簡體字,或是只轉成繁體字 p.s.如不需要語音輸入可以離線查詢,但使用語音輸入需要連接上網才能辨識語音
Destroy Screen 1.10
Here You Are
You can use Flame / Water Droplets / Machine Gun / Knife / gun /Brush / Glass Crash / Throw Egg / Foot Print / Paint to destroy andshoot the screen. Press the menu button can select or take a phototo destroy, save image to file, restore the screen, set sound, setvibration. Destroy Screen is a good tool for you to vent emotions.You can destroy everything through your camera! Just download"Destroy Camera"
Wave Text 1.2
Here You Are
You can wave your phone to display text messages by Wave Text! Justenter the message you want to display. Wave Text will determinewhich text to display like marquees based on your hand position.The speed of text updates is according to the frequency you wave!You can also set the color of the first word and the last word.Wave Text will transfer it to gradient color automatically, you canalso set the background color, text size, etc. Or set the angle ofthe wave. Or you can set vibration or sound alerts when you wave tomaximum angle. It can also be set to auto mode which means youdon't have to wave to display the message, it will displayautomatically like marquee in auto mode (auto mode can adjust thetext speed). It is very suitable for consert / party / KTV, etc.
懷孕寶典 1.7
Here You Are